New Report Showcases Fylde’s Strong Rural Economy

4 June 2024

Capita have published a Rural Economy Feasibility and Baseline Study, made possible by funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), to provide Fylde Council with a better understanding of the borough’s rural economy.

The purpose of the study is to provide a strong and comprehensive evidence base for the economic health of the rural areas within Fylde by identifying strengths and weaknesses on a range of economic and business indicators.

The report provides recommendations for future investment and funding decisions, defines the rural economy for Fylde, and will help the Council and other partners establish objectives for investment in the rural economy moving forward.

Baseline figures from the study show that the rural area of Fylde has 680 registered businesses, with the dominant sectors being wholesale and retail, construction, manufacturing, and tourism and recreation.

The study further found that rural Fylde performs above or in-line with the local, regional, and national averages on a range of economic metrics, including employment, income, digital infrastructure, and socio-economic deprivation. It highlights that rural Fylde’s threats and weaknesses are typical of rural areas, including distance from large markets and an ageing population.

A Fylde Council spokesperson said: “We welcome the publication of this report, which demonstrates that our UKSPF investment strategy is well aligned with the rural economy’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

“The data and recommendations provided by this report are crucial to ensure that Fylde’s rural economy continues to improve, becoming increasingly diverse, dynamic, and vibrant, as well as ensuring that rural Fylde remains a great place to live, work and visit.”

The full report can be viewed on the Fylde Council website here:

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