What We Do

Champion the county nationally and internationally as a leading leisure, learning and business destination

What We Do

Marketing Lancashire :

  • Promotes Lancashire as a destination and a place for visitors, occupiers, developers, investors and businesses
  • Leads LVEP (Local Visitor Economy Partnership) in partnership with VisitBLackpool
  • Leads the Visitor Economy Strategy supporting a tourism sector of circa 4,000 businesses
  • Co-ordinates research such as visitor surveys with leisure and international visitors and commissions the annual economic impact report
  • Promotes Lancashire as a business events destination
  • Promotes Lancashire as a place to invest and do business eg City Deal and Enterprise Zones
  • Is an official partner of the Northern Powerhouse programme
  • Is a Filming in England Partner
  • Generates significant commercial revenue to diversify its income base

Our website visitlancashire.com attracts over 9 million page views and our activities hosting journalists and pushing news through PR channels keeps Lancashire tourism and hospitality partners in local, national and international media.

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