New opportunity for Lancashire's coastal tourism businesses

England’s Coast,, is an exciting new marketing and booking tool designed to boost the number of international visitors to the English coast and Lancashire tourism businesses are now invited to be part of it.  The initiative funded through VisitEngland’s Discover England Fund, and ran by the National Coastal Tourism Academy, focuses on attracting visitors from Holland, Germany and France to visit the English Coast off-peak.

Marketing Lancashire, Liverpool LEP and Cumbria Tourism have all become new partners on the project, creating the North West region of the coast.

The site will feature a 90 second interactive video for our region, with links through to more information on the hero attractions. Consumers will have the opportunity to build a personal itinerary, explore various holiday types, embrace local stories and be inspired the cinematography of our dramatic coastline. Over 1,400 coastal businesses are already listed – hotels, B&Bs, pubs, attraction providers and much more – giving holidaymakers and the travel trade enormous choice for creating imaginative coastal escapes.

To promote the coast to German and Dutch visitors, England’s Coast have been running major public relations campaigns in both countries and organised several press trips which are expected to generate significant media coverage going forward.  We are also working successfully with the travel trade in both Holland and Germany highlighting coastal destinations.  So being part of England’s Coast offers a unique international marketing opportunity!

Listings are available for accommodation providers and places to eat within 5 miles of the coast and visitor attractions, activities and local transport providers within 15 miles.

For a free listing on England’s Coast, please click here.

We look forward to seeing your Lancashire business feature on the site!